Rather than sending out raving emails to people who don't always want to get them, this is where Bernard will now vent his spleen...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

this is a holding space

lots of things that I'm cranky and splentic about, but not had the mo (make that 45 hours!!!) to actually blog them. Will pre-date some postings here based on thoughts over weekend...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

South Australian citizens #2

Vale, Amanda Vanstone, the colourful Sentator from South Australia, who has been dumped from the Cabinet in J-Ho's long awaited reshuffle.

Some actual honesty can be found in the governments announcement with the name of the department "Immigration and Multicultural Affairs" changing to "Immigration and Citizenship" (to be headed by that wonderfully gentle, consultative, and inclusive Kevin Andrews of WorkChoices (TM) [SICK] fame);

Multiculturalism is DEAD.

Become the Australian that the J-Ho's wants you to be, or piss-orf.

Thanks for the
Decent Coffee
Real Pizza
non-canned Pasta
Thai Food
Vietnamese Food
South American dance styles
Belly Dancing

etc, but

We now need to get back to our white anglo saxon christian (prefer to say Protestant, but The Mad Monk may object) roots.

South Australian Citizens in the News Today #1

Letter in today's SMH Letters regarding David Hicks.

To all the letter writers supporting the traitor David Hicks, spare a thought for our World War II prisoners of war. They were forced into slave labour, had appalling food and had no access to proper medical treatment. Trial? There were no trials; they had to wait until the war ended to be repatriated.

Yes, bring David Hicks back to Australia, but make sure he is charged with treason and then sentenced to life imprisonment.

Anthony Dusting Shailer Park (Qld)

got this reply from me

Anthony Dusting (letters 23 January), if you weren't being sarcastic, can you please supply us and the Government with the legal advice that you have to show that David Hicks has any charges to answer for here in Australia? The whole point is that nothing that he is alleged to have done is in contravention of any laws anywhere in the world.

which probably wont be published due to the stating of the bloody obvious.

But for those of you interested, the SECURITY LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (TERRORISM) ACT 2002 - SCHEDULE 1 - Amendments came into force AFTER hicks was already incarcerated, and the pertinent bits, namely:

(1) A person commits an offence, called treason, if the person:
f) engages in conduct that assists by any means whatever, with intent to assist:

(i) another country; or

(ii) an organisation;

that is engaged in armed hostilities against the Australian Defence Force

may well be moot in that The Australian SAS was not at that point involved in "armed hostilities" - it was there purely as an advance recon force.

Friday, January 19, 2007

whose definition of "Tolerance"???

from the SMH today came a story that John Howard had sent an Australia Day "greeting" to a wonderfully "Australian" values evangelical sect called "Catch The Fire" ministries.

OK, he's entitled to do that, isn't he?

Well, when the "sect's" leader Pastor Danny Nalliah has been charged, convicted, appealed, had overturned, then on re-appeal had his conviction upheld on religious vilification against another religion, yeah, I do have a problem.

Sri Lankan born Nalliah is not afraid of a fight; after being born again, he and his wife spent a couple of years in the "heart of the beast" "45 miles from Mecca" (presumably) prosyletising and helping run an "under ground" christian church.

Then, and I quote from his own website

"On April 9, 2000 at 5:00am while in Ethiopia the Lord Jesus Christ woke me from sleep and spoke about Australia. He very clearly told me, “Son, if my people will rise up and be proactive, they will stop the disaster which is coming on the land. But if my people sit back, relax and be reactive they will pay a heavy price to take back their land spiritually.”

I suppose that he really is the guy to save Australia from itself; after all (again from his own bio) he worked as a church cleaner for 2 years (VERY metaphoric, huh?) before "From here the Lord raised him up to be a Sunday School Superintendent, Cell Group Leader, Cell Pastor, Regional Pastor, Church Board member and then into Church planting."

Cell Group Leader??? Has he been consulting the Anarchists Handbook?? Cell Pastor??? Sounds like an Imam attached to a suicide bombing squad to me... Same principles, just different faith.

This is a guy who according to the previous (and more enlightening article) called for the destruction of pretty much all non-christian places of worship (including the all-powerful Freemasons' Masonic Lodges), casinos (well, he has a point there), brothels, and bottle-shops (now u see why I'm pissed with this guy!!!)

His views on Moslems are that basically (and this is my paraphrasing from a few online sources - yeah wiki, and others) "no, they don't worship our God - Allah is a catch all arabic word for any god".

Well - if all of our politicians can either
a. get in a lather about, or
b. just ignore and laugh off

intolerant religious fanatics who are disowned by there own religion, then surely the PM should not be having anything to do with this cHRISTIAN "holy man" who (in anti vilification court action) found himself against the Islamic Council of Victoria who were joined and FULLY SUPORTED by the Catholic Church and the Uniting Church.

J-Ho - for goodness sake! U aint an idiot. It is obviously something that - like everything else - you thought you could get away with.

For goodness sake. This is only going to lose you votes from the liberal members of your party. These bigots already vote for you, or for Family First who preference you.

so anyway, my "public" contribution to this debate, via the SMH Letters page went out this afternoon, thus...

From: Bernard Kealey
Date: 19-Jan-2007 15:07
To: letters@smh.com.au

The Prime Minister's continued support of Pastor Danny Nalliah's
"Catch the Fire" ministries ("Howard's greeting for 'anti-Muslim'
group" January 19, SMH Online) is a fantastic example of the one
sidedness of the argument for tolerance in this country.

To be sending an "Australia Day" message to a congregation overseen by
a non-Australian pastor who incites the destruction of Masonic, Hindu,
and Buddhist temples, as well as Mosques, casinos and bottle shops is

If Pastor Danny is so concerned that Islamic forces are overturning
the Christian culture, I suggest that he has a more spiritually
fulfilling challenge in his native Sri Lanka where the overwhelming
majority is Buddhist, and the race for 3rd place is a neck and neck
tie between Christian and Moslem adherents.


for the first time ever, a recent posting to here showed up in a Google News alert. No, I don't feel that special, but I was a bit surprised...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A wee bit of Catch Up...

Just realised that todays prev post was the first since May... Oops!
Way too much to summarise my feelings on issues of the past 7+ months, so will just cut and paste letters that I have submitted... Am going to cheat, and date the posts accordingly. (But I will tag them as Letters)

Oh - and Happy New Year everyone.

Here's to a more bloggingly productive year!

Bush does have some expertise

having gotten into the letters page of SMH, The Age, The Australian, The (??) Denver Tribune, and most prestigiously The Herald's Column 8, I needed a new challenge.

Lets see if I get published by the New York Times SUPPORTING President Bush.... yeah, I know, who would think that I could stoop so low - but then, who would have thought that Bush could speak authoritatively about anything

From: Bernard Kealey
Date: 17-Jan-2007 12:34
To: letters@nytimes.com

To the Editor,

Re : Bush Says Iraq Fumbled Executions (January 16, 2007).

I feel obliged to agree with President Bush, on the grounds that he is an expert on the subject of executions; as Governor of Texas he oversaw (through the denial of clemency) 153 executions. He may not be making great grades as Commander-in-Chief, but man - he sure managed executions efficiently.

Bernard Kealey
Sydney, Australia

Monday, January 15, 2007


submitted to SMH
All these stories about Apple's iPhone. Sure it looks really cool - but pricey; will they offer a cheaper "shuffle" model that will just dial a number at random in the hope that you want to talk to that person?


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Water Greed

"> Published in SMH Letters Page on 12/01/2007

Can someone please tell me what it would take for a ballot at the state election to ask "Are you so darned selfish that you would strenuously object to recycled water?" If the electorate answers "Yes" - well we get what we deserve.

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Monday, January 08, 2007


"Submitted" to SMH

Abbey Bowman (Letters, January 8) seems to miss Lisa Pryor's point ("Flying the flag for an upside-down kind of patriotism", January 6-7). The rednecks referred to certainly don't "ache for others to be" Australia-loving people. They want this land all for themselves. It isn't patriotism, it is xenophobia, racism, NIMBYism, and a misplaced sense of right.

"Pride" should begin with who you are - what you have achieved, and what you contribute. Not where you (through no choice of your own making) were born. Likewise, "patriotism" should not be blind love for the country where one resides - its climate, and natural beauty (again, "accidents of nature"), but pride in what our country stands for, how our citizenry treats each other, and for how our government represents us.

"Patriotism" comes with a responsibility to contribute to the society constructively to enhance our privileged existence here for all. It is not a blind acceptance that this place is great, we're here, it's all ours.

Shall we all start feeling patriotic about AWB, Children Overboard, Deaths in Custody, Stolen Generation, Cornelia Rau, David Hicks, Cronulla Riots, and now Kunthea Ker?
