Rather than sending out raving emails to people who don't always want to get them, this is where Bernard will now vent his spleen...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bush does have some expertise

having gotten into the letters page of SMH, The Age, The Australian, The (??) Denver Tribune, and most prestigiously The Herald's Column 8, I needed a new challenge.

Lets see if I get published by the New York Times SUPPORTING President Bush.... yeah, I know, who would think that I could stoop so low - but then, who would have thought that Bush could speak authoritatively about anything

From: Bernard Kealey
Date: 17-Jan-2007 12:34
To: letters@nytimes.com

To the Editor,

Re : Bush Says Iraq Fumbled Executions (January 16, 2007).

I feel obliged to agree with President Bush, on the grounds that he is an expert on the subject of executions; as Governor of Texas he oversaw (through the denial of clemency) 153 executions. He may not be making great grades as Commander-in-Chief, but man - he sure managed executions efficiently.

Bernard Kealey
Sydney, Australia


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