Rather than sending out raving emails to people who don't always want to get them, this is where Bernard will now vent his spleen...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Women cant be trusted

Earle Mardle (letters 20 November) suggests mandatory DNA testing at birth to catch spousal cheats and to protect the rights of children. Wow! Thank god I'm gay and not likely to be fathering any kids; I really do not want ANY government or private sector agency getting their hands on my genetic makeup thanks. The only reason that this does not yet happen is practicality, not some touchy feely reason such as ethics or right to privacy. This overly simplistic view completely displaces a whole heap of other rights - like genetic privacy - to "protect" a tiny minority of duped men. Why not take it a step further - an early amnio so that the male partner can decide whether or not to continue the relationship, or pressure the mother to terminate the "bastard"?



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